VI Congreso Mundial de Ganaderia Tropical

ExpoTampico Convention Center Tampico, Tamaulipas

Tropical Livestock World Congress  Schedule Friday 15 - INIFAP Field Day Saturday 16 - Conferences & Auctions Sunday 17 - Clinic (theoretical & practice) & Closing Viernes 15 - Día de Campo INIFAP Sábado 16 - Conferencias & Subasta Domingo 17 - Taller Teórico Práctico & Clausura

XXII Exposicion Nacional de Ganado Brahman

Expo Tampico Boulevard Adolfo Lopez Mateos 2400 Colonia Obrera, Tampico, Tamaulipas

XXII Mexican National Brahman Show Schedule Monday 18 & Tuesday 19 - Weights & Measures Wednesday 20 - AMCC meetings Thursday 21 - Red Brahman Show Friday 22 - Female Brahman Show Saturday 23 - Bulls Brahman Show Sunday 24 - Auction and Champions parade Lunes 18 &

85th Expo Zebu

Parque de Exposiciones Fernando Costa, Uberaba, Brasil Praça Vicentino Rodrigues da Cunha, 110 - São Benedito, Uberaba, MG

Be part of the biggest event of Brazilian Livestock. More information coming soon...

Exposición de Ganado Brahman – Guatemala 2019

Cortijo, Las Flores, Antigua Guatemala Cortijo, Las Flores

Judge: Steve Hudgins Female Show: May 31 at noon Bull Show: June 1st at noon Grand Champion Drive Female & Bulls: June 2nd at noon.

2019 Expica Permanente

EXPICA Permanente Managua

THURSDAY 25, 9:00 am - Red Females Brahman Show; 2:00 pm - Gray Females Brahman Show. FRIDAY 26, 9:00 am - Red Bulls Brahman Show; 2:00 pm - Gray Bulls Brahman Show.

Field Day Los Buhos Brahman

Visit Cabaña los Buhos - Zona las Pavas Cotoca, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.